
About us

Mineral Exploration

RAG Mining Services was founded in 2003 and began operating as a drilling contractor on the same year. It started under the business name RAG Drilling Services with exploration drilling as the primary line of business. Over the past 18 years, the business has built a solid reputation as a reliable drilling company.
Later in the business, RAG expand to be full blown services in the exploration of nickel laterite deposits all over the country. To best reflect the company, RAG drilling was renamed into RAG Mining Services catering nickel projects in the Philippines.

What we do

We use the latest machines to conduct comprehensive exploration and drilling operations.


We provide a full range of services throughout the mineral exploration industry.


Our team is equipped with the expertise and resources to develop a mining project from concept to full blown mine operation.


Our service covers full engineering and construction development projects in both mining and civil setting.

Company Background

RAG Mining Services was founded in 2003 and began operating as a drilling contractor on the same year. It started under the business name RAG Drilling Services with exploration drilling as the primary line of business. Over the past 18 years, the business has built a solid reputation as a reliable drilling company.
Later in the business, RAG expand to be full blown services in the exploration of nickel laterite deposits all over the country. To best reflect the company, RAG drilling was renamed into RAG Mining Services catering nickel projects in the Philippines.

We have covered all phases of exploration to various Clients with expertise in nickel laterite mineralization.

Our experience is backed by a team of well-oriented drilling operators, geologist and mining engineer who are experts on the field which is an edge for nickel mining operation.

With the firm’s extensive experience, the company has prided itself on the conduct of mine services with respect to safety, health and environment. With operational assets, dedicated and experienced team of professionals, we ensure to deliver quality service.


Our people are the most important asset in the organization. We value their safety and well-being which are essentially the key towards a productive, and promotable working environment.

Our safety and health commitments include:

  • Provide safe and healthy working environment conditions for the prevention of any incidents.
  • Implement, monitor and evaluate safety and health plans and programs.
  • Comply with all safety and health laws and regulations.
  • Eliminate all identified hazards and the reduction of risks present in the operation.
  • Investigate, analyze and recommend preventive and corrective actions towards all incidents.
  • Encourage worker’s participation and consultation among its employees.
  • Continually improve our services gearing towards a safer and healthier workplace


As a mining service provider our environmental performance is a key strategy for our continuous improvement. Our experience and expertise in this industry enables us to advice our clients implement cost effective solutions to potential environmental problems.

We appreciate the pressure bestowed on us by the changing economic pace and to drive our limited resources into full utilization. Our environmental commitments include:

  • Comply with all environmental laws and regulations.
  • Ensure reliable exploration results to ensure client success.
  • Create project opportunities that utilize innovative environmental protection technology.
  • Provide the relevant training to all employees to improve environmental awareness
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